
Programs Details

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Cybersecurity is the study of protecting computer systems and networks from theft or damage to their hardware, software, or electronic data, as well as preventing disruptions to the services they provide. As the use of social media continues to grow, it's important to control the data that people share.


A cybersecurity course teaches students how to identify vulnerabilities in computer systems, recognize digital exploitation, and prevent damage such as data loss and financial loss due to viruses. Those in the cybersecurity field are trained not only to avoid cyber-attacks but also to implement pre-emptive security measures and counter cyber threats.


With the increasing use of social media and the rising number of cybercrimes, the demand for cybersecurity professionals is growing. Professionals are needed to combat cybercrimes, and they can be hired for roles such as Cybersecurity Architect, Cybersecurity Engineer, and Information Security Lead. This article will discuss cybersecurity course fees, syllabus, and duration.


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Course Outcome

Upon completion of the degree program, students will be able to:

  1. Understand the cyber security threat landscape.
  2. Develop a deeper understanding and familiarity with various types of cyberattacks, cybercrimes, vulnerabilities, and remedies.
  3. Analyze and evaluate existing legal frameworks and laws on cyber security.
  4. Analyze and evaluate the security of digital payment systems and measures against digital payment fraud.
  5. Analyze and evaluate the importance of personal data privacy and security.
  6. Analyze and evaluate the security aspects and ethical considerations of social media platforms.
  7. Analyze and evaluate cyber security risks.
  8. Plan suitable security controls, audits, and compliance based on risk assessment.
  9. Evaluate and communicate the human role in security systems, with an emphasis on ethics, social engineering vulnerabilities, and training.
  10. Increase awareness about cyber-attack vectors and safety against cyber fraud.
  11. Take measures for self-cyber-protection as well as societal cyber-protection.

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