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Academic Audit

The process of evaluating an academic institution's effectiveness and efficiency is called Academic Administrative Audit. This assessment is conducted by the Council's Senior Level Professors as per the requirement of the Institute to evaluate the academic programs and activities within departments and across the college. The peer review process requires a site visit by VSRSEC's Expert Committee.

The purpose is to examine and assess the Institution's Administrative and Academic procedures. This provides an opportunity for the Institute to improve its overall organization, ensuring the appropriate application and efficiency of its systems, infrastructure, practices, human resources, and facilities. It also reveals the institution's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and challenges.

Conducting such audit promotes organizational and academic rigor. It serves as a tool for setting, monitoring, and evaluating academic program goals and for the administrative operation of the institution.

Such audits are pivotal for the growth of the Institution.

 Interested Institutions are requested to contact VSRSEC with details at or fill up the form below for professional consultancy. Our Support team will contact you immediately ensuring fruitful results. 



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